We are grounded in our mission to center the needs of QTBIPOC Artists.


RUMA is a Black Feminist Creative Services Agency dedicated to the economic futures of Black and Brown creatives through coaching, project management and operational support. We facilitate pathways to long term financial sustainable creative practices and serve those that exist at the intersections of multiple identities including Black, Queer, Trans, Femme, Mother, or of immigrant descent.


We envision alternative economies based in networks of care that empower artists to live holistically rich lives. We aim to provide pathways to generational wealth through long term support structures, interdependent communities, and collective resource sharing.


Trauma Informed Care  - We take into account culture and lived experiences before deciding what artists need, there is no one size fits all solution. Womyn, immigrants, queer and trans folx all have different barriers to access that need to be considered to create real support structures.

Audaciousness  -  We encourage our community to think big and aim high. The limit is sky high.

Restorative Justice - We are dedicated to living in community with each other, conflict is not the end of a relationship.

Shared Leadership -  We believe in non-hierarchical communities where we redistribute power. Young or old, everyone has a role.

Trust - We believe in honesty which includes self reflection, communication, and transparency.  

Black Feminist Care - We support the most silenced, the most marginalized, and we are not free until we are all free.  

Wellbeing - We are committed to our collective mental health and it’s overall connection to public health.

Service - We find purpose in using our resources to support others.

ARTISTS= creatives, entrepreneurs, risk takers, organizers